Ken Copeland: Whatever Your Faith Can Believe You Can Have it in 2016

Ken Copeland, in his New Year's Eve service for 2016 claimed that God told him that whatever your faith can believe for, you can have it in 2016.

No Joke!

This is a fulfillment of the Apostle Paul's prophecy in 2 Timothy: 

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
— 2 Timothy 4: 3-4

"Prophet" Bushiri FAKES a Miracle With Adobe After Effects

In one the most blantant and shameful examples of a sham miracle that we've ever seen, so-called "prophet" Shepherd Bushiri has put together a video that his ministry claims documents an appearance of angels at a recent church service. But, one needs only watch the video to see that what appeared are cheesy postproduction special effects and not real angels.

See for yourself.

One thing is certain Shepherd Bushiri is not a prophet of the Living God. He is a false prophet and greedy charlatan. He will have to explain all this nonsense to Jesus Christ on the day of judgement if he does not repent. 

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9–12)

"Prophets" Declare 2016 The Year of the Re: Slipstream Crossover Excel Tide Turning Year that...

Want to know what is going to happen in 2016 but are nervous about visiting a palm reader or psychic? No worries, the "Christian" equivalent to psychics and fortune tellers a.k.a. false prophets have been chiming in and telling the world what the Holy Spirit is telling them will be going down in 2016.

Thus far we can say that 2016 will be The Year of the Re: slipstream crossover excel tide turning acceleration in which God reintroduces Himself as El Shaddai as well as the year great tribulation starts and the anti-christ appears.

Does this information help you know what to expect in the coming year? We didn't think so.

Either God, the Holy Spirit is no longer capable of lucid communication or none of these so-called prophets are actually hearing from God.

But let's break this all down and see if it helps clear things up.

1. Charisma Magazine declared 2016 the year of the Re:

2. Lana Vawswer declared that the Holy Spirit told her that 2016 is the year of the slipstream.

3. Steven Furtick of Elevation Church claims that the word God gave him for 2016 is crossover

4. Keith Craft claims that the word God gave him for 2016 is excel [insert Microsoft Office and spreadsheet jokes here]. 

5. Cindy Jacobs claims that God has told the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders that 2016 is the year the tide turns.

6. Robert Hotchkin of the Prophetic Holy Orders Network Information Exchange Syndicate claims that God told him that 2016 is the year that God reintroduces himself as El Shaddai.

7. Jim Bakker and his guests have predicted that the Great Tribulation will begin in March of 2016 and the Anti-Christ will walk on the world's stage in 2016.

8. Joel Osteen says that the word God gave him for 2016 is Accelerate.

9. John Kilpatrick says that this is the Year of the Wind.

10. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran says that this is the Year of Edification and Equipping.

11. Jerry Savelle says 2016 is The Year of The Great Breaking Loose.

12. Dr. Jerry Brandt says 2016 is The Year of Manifestation.

13. The "Apostle" John Arcovio says the Lord clearly told him to Beware of Elymas for 2016.

14. The "Prophet" Brian Carn says 2016 is the year to Get the Anointing to Increase.

 15. Wayne Sutton says 2016 is the year to Awaken in Spirit and Change Your Name. 

16. "Apostle Prophet" Elizabeth Elijah Nikomia says (under the trusty anointing of Ruach Ha Kodesh) that Devastation is Coming! Devastation is Here!

17. Ken Malone (who ministers with a prophetic, seer anointing which enables him to identify, activate and release redemptive gifts in individuals, churches and cities) says this is the Year of the KAIROS OPPORTUNITY and Open Doors.

18. Doug Addison (who is a prophetic forerunner!) has a Prophetic Forecast for 2016... but you have to pay for it. You can get the paperback, the PDF or the Kindle version. Doug says it'll help you "get into sync with heaven for 2016." 


“Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.” (Jeremiah 23:16)

Jacobs Claimed 2015 Was the Year of the Turn Around

We've gone back and checked what Cindy Jacobs claimed God was revealing for 2015 and now we're really confused. As it turns out, back in 2015 Jacobs claimed that God told her that 2015 was the year of the Turn Around. But now she is claiming that God is saying that 2016 is the year Tide is Turning

But if God turned everything around in 2015 and then is going to turn the tide in 2016 doesn't that mean that 2016 is the the year God is going to smite you and take everything away from you?

One-Size-Fits-All 2016 "Prophecy"

Apparently New Year's "prophecies" now come in One-Size-Fits-All. So-called prophetess Cindy Jacobs recently announced that 2016 will be the Year the Tide Turns. She assures every single person watching her video that 2016 will be the year the tide turns in their favor.

So, quick get everyone you know to watch this video so that 2016 will be the year the tide turns!

If you believe that then we have bridge we'd like to sell you in Brooklyn.

"Prophetess" Lana Vawser Declares 2016 The Year of the Slipstream

It's not even Christmas yet and some of the so-called "prophets", like Lana Vawswer, are already claiming to receive prophetic revelations for the the coming year.

In what could only be described as prophetic diarrhea, Lana has published what she mistakenly believes are words from the Lord for 2016. Below is just a sample:

As I have pressed into the heart of the Lord for the next year, 2016, I felt He showed me one of the themes He wanted to focus on this year.

I kept hearing the words over and over "The year of the slipstream". 

SLIPSTREAM: "the airstream generating reduced air pressure and forward suction directly behind a rapidly moving vehicle."  (


2015 has been a year of intense pressure, intense stretching, intense opposition and contending. I believe in 2016 there is an invitation into a divine 'slipstream'. The wind of the Spirit moving in great acceleration but the Lord calling us to a 'positioning' of greater rest. It seems completely opposite and 'illogical' in the natural, but many things the Lord is going to ask His people to do or not do in 2016 will be a great surprise, but MORE is going to come out of divine rest in whatever form that looks like for you (physical, emotional/mental healing, release of striving, settled heart in His nature and ways etc) in 2016.

I felt the Lord say that 2016 would be a year THE GREATEST demonstration of DIVINE REST of heart, mind, soul and body for many, but also THE GREATEST demonstration of ACCELERATION that they have ever seen. 

A place of shaking off the shackles of driving and seeing Him break off and bring deeper healing to any parts of the soul that would cause a 'pushing forward'.

For the rest of Lana's incoherent "prophetic" ramblings for 2016 Click Here

“that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written” (1 Corinthians 4:6)

Supernatural Video Cage Fight!

Here's some more over-the-top, supernatural, "Signs and Wonders" videos; notice the similarities between them. This is the "Theology of Glory" taken to an extreme. While it's true we should represent Jesus in our behavior as best as we can, we are not supposed to be Jesus (duh!), or fool ourselves into thinking that the whole unsaved world is just waiting for us to show up and "manifest the glory of God."

Which one do you think "wins" the battle of videos? See the Curator's opinion below...


The winner: Todd White's video kicks sand in the face of all the other supernatural hype videos; watch at 1:15 when every cinematic trick in the book is utilized to emotionally manipulate the viewer and propagate the Dream Destiny Thingy:

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
— 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12

The Supernatural (Hype) Now!

Jesus did not come to die on the cross for our sins, apparently-He came to "activate us into the supernatural realm of signs and wonders" or something like that. One thing for sure: He would have needed a huge ego and a huge video budget to compete with this guy-Guillermo Maldonado. These larger-than-life, hyped-up promotional videos are becoming commonplace, and they succinctly present another Gospel altogether. "Get ready to receive your miracle today, and allow God to use you to demonstrate His power here and now! This is a reality you can experience in your life today. Join us as we see more of the supernatural now!" Yikes...

For false christ’s and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
— Matthew 24:24

MaxLife Encounter!!!

Want to "learn how to get better at life by using what you presently have?!" Want some "inspired life coaching to create opportunities for your success?!!" 

Here's the Success Seminar you missed from January 2015 (if you're real super lucky he'll have another one in January 2016!)... 

...and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.
— 1 Timothy 6:5
Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’
— Hebrews 13:5

Wrestling Match, Drag Race or Youth Conference?

This is so exaggerated and over-the-top, it's beyond embarrassing-it's a parody of itself. "Extreme worship, drama, an in-your-face word, and of course, the raw presence of God!!" 

Because regular worship is not... extreme enough. And unless a word is in-your-face it's no good. And the normal presence of God is okay, but the raw presence of God is even better (actually, just the "normal" presence of God would kill you). The young people subjected to this kind of delusional Christianity are to be greatly pitied. Most sadly of all, this extremely hyper, overly-emotional approach burns people out-just as it did in the days of Charles Finney...

Here's a video of people jumping around, crying and then Pastor Salvo yelling a lot; and sounding more "inner-city-a" the longer he speaks-a:

Hillsong's 2015 Rose-tinted-Glasses "Vision"?

You just can't make this stuff up. This is the gimmick Hillsong pulled for their 2015 Vision Sunday:

Hillsong-vision-assimilation"Oooooo! Vision!"

Who are responsible for the roses tinted glasses vision outbreak? Why Brian Houston and Bobbie Houston of course! This is an image of both fuhrer's promoting "The Cause" which is on Bobbie Houston's Instagram:


"I often tell our church that we have one vision... No doubt you have heard of an “us-and-them” spirit. It is one I do not let fester in our church. I ask our leaders, “On which side of ‘us and them’ do you find yourself?” Loyalty always positions itself as one of “them”. You can build the church, a marriage, and friendship on that kind of loyalty." - Brian Houston

The prophetic "Vision" of Hillsong has also invaded the animal Kingdom.

Hillsong-vision-dog"He's counting down the days. #vision" - Brian Houston

Resistance is futile. Who will be assimilated next into the Hillsong Vision?

Beiber submitting to Hillsong Vision

"Are you in needing of healing?"

That's the question Todd Bentley of FreshFireUSA ministries asked in his recent advert on FaceBook and Instagram.

Recently, "Bam Bam" Bentley advertised that you can buy his healing prayers so you can get miraculously healed. So if you want your kicked-in face to be healed, Todd's merchandise can heal you! Aren't you glad Todd Bentley can sell you his supernatural healing prayers on iTunes?

Bentley writes,

Are you in needing of healing? The voice of Healing anointed Healing prayers with song CD is available. We have receive Incredible testimonies of healing from our soaking healing CD. Get the Voice of Healing now available on iTunes! and sample all other music by Todd Bentley on iTunes as well. Use the direct link above.



So much for the free gifts of the Holy Spirit being free.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
— Revelations 22:17