How Charismatics Deal With Errors in the "Prophetic"

How Charismatics Deal With Errors in the "Prophetic"
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:09:19 Shawn Bolz Angel of Finance Gave Him the Keys
00:20:20 Cindy Jacobs Explains How to Do a "Spiritual Reading"
00:25:04 Darren Wilson How to Deal With Errors in the Prophetic
01:11:08 Sermon Review: The Gospel of Power by Kris Vallotton


Shawn Bolz Tells Sid Roth: "The Angel of Finance Gave Me His Keys!"

Cindy Jacobs Explains Her Psychic Ability as "Spiritual Reading"


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Walk It Out

Walk It Out
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:08:49 Vonda Brewer Quintuples Down RE: Trump
00:22:28 Hakeem & Naim Collins How To Destroy Breakthrough Blockages
00:38:27 Nicole Crank Walk It Out
00:49:43 Glyn Barrett Confidence
01:12:22 Sermon Review: I Am Groot by Jeff Murphy

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Is Donald Trump the Forerunner of the Messiah?

Is Donald Trump the Forerunner of the Messiah?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:09:01 Jim Bakker & Tom Horn Is Donald Trump the Forerunner of the Messiah?
00:40:35 Troy Gramling Who Will You Be This Christmas?
00:51:45 George Pearsons Expect to Be Healed Now
01:13:30 Sermons Review: Just Jesus Part 2 Kathryn Kuhlman

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The Religious Spirit Hates the Prophetic?

The Religious Spirit Hates the Prophetic
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:09:41 - Ryan LeStrange - How the Religious Spirit Hates the Prophetic
00:37:02 - Patricia King - How Strong is Your Core?
00:47:47 - Touré Roberts - Your Standing on a Well
01:06:14 - Sermon Review: The Power of Our Declaration by Emily Foster

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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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