The Power of Imaginary Friends


00:06:17  Kris Vallotton Keep Silent?
00:43:06 Victoria Osteen How to Protect God-Sized Dreams
01:12:42 Sermon Review: The Power of Imaginary Friends by Paul Scanlon

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I See Rich People


00:08:10 Michelle Corral Anointing and Appointing for Ministry
00:18:46  Kris Vallotton God Let's You See Rich People So You Can Become One
00:34:16  Steven Furtick Danger in the Distance
00:48:05  Ken Copeland Jesus Always Wills to Heal You
01:12:19 Sermon Review: Restoring Your Passion by Ray Johnston

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How Can Dr. Michael Brown Call It the "So-Called" NAR When...(Part 2)


00:06:42 C. Peter Wagner Explains How the N.A.R. is the largest and fastest growing megablock in Christianity
01:14:11 Sermon Review: What is an Apostle by Kris Vallotton

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How Can Dr. Michael Brown Call It the "So-Called" NAR When...(Part 1)

Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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How Charismatics Deal With Errors in the "Prophetic"


00:09:19 Shawn Bolz Angel of Finance Gave Him the Keys
00:20:20 Cindy Jacobs Explains How to Do a "Spiritual Reading"
00:25:04 Darren Wilson How to Deal With Errors in the Prophetic
01:11:08 Sermon Review: The Gospel of Power by Kris Vallotton


Shawn Bolz Tells Sid Roth: "The Angel of Finance Gave Me His Keys!"

Cindy Jacobs Explains Her Psychic Ability as "Spiritual Reading"


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Fighting for the Faith is Listener-Supported

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