“It is truly good, right, and salutary that we should at all times and in all places give thanks…”
Worldview Everlasting
WEtv is committed to knowing nothing but Christ and Him crucified for the forgiveness of sins. They fight back against the raging storms of clamor and dispute by providing free, distributable, orthodox, and awesome media, downloaded straight to your mind, heart and spirit, pierced with the wounds of Jesus, radically altering the future with the Cross-bound theology of the conservative Reformation.
Christ Hold Fast
CHF is a Law & Gospel collective of creative contributors dedicated to teaching people how Christ remains faithful even when we are faithless (2 Tim. 2:13). CHF provides a voice for Christians who are both Sinner & Saint (Rom. 7:15-25). CHF promotes the bad news that you are a greater sinner than you think (Isa. 64:6-7) and the good news that Christ is a greater Savior than you can imagine (Rom. 5:6-11).
1517. The Legacy Project
This ministry serves churches and the world by providing a safe place for those broken by the church, supplying theological resources to strengthen congregations, and modeling ways of engaging the culture in a manner that is thoughtful, courageous, and Christ-centered. 1517. The Legacy Project was founded to be a place for people in search of grace and the freedom that grace affords.
The Jagged Word
This blog offers an array of regular authors, who ruminate on issues related to Christ and culture. Though essays are often controversial or “jagged,” they are also inspiring and thought provoking, as they connect readers to the power and freedom of the Gospel and invite readers to explore what it means for Christian people to “play in God’s playground” from a distinctly Lutheran perspective.
Higher Things
The mission of Higher Things is to assist parents, congregations, and pastors in cultivating, encouraging and promoting a distinctively Lutheran identity among their youth and young adults. Higher Things is an organization of pastors, teachers and laity that seek to teach the faith to youth.
PM Notes
This is a blog and an online resource is from the desk of Pastor Matt Richard. The threefold purpose of the blog is to evangelize individuals who are caught in Moral Therapeutic Deism, provide comfort to “Post-Evangelicals” in the Gospel and strengthen Monergists in the Lutheran Confessions.
Church Watch Central
This site is about monitoring various sects and movements that claim to be Christian. While many Christians are snared in numerous sects and movements, these groups often reflect the values, philosophies and and ideas of modern culture. Thus, they often present a counterfeit or hybrid Christianity. Many would consider this behavior to be immoral, unethical and cult-like.
Berean Research
Berean Research exists to help Christians discern and equip themselves to keep their brothers and sisters from falling into deception. They offer a growing list of “White Papers” containing in-depth research, fast facts, definitions, and what the Bible says about movements taking the visible church down a wide path away from scriptural truth.
New Reformation Publications (NRP Books)
Offering important resources, reprinting excellent volumes in theology and apologetics, and releasing new publications each year, such as Gene Veith and John Warwick Montgomery, Where Christ is Present: A Theology for All Seasons on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.
Concordia Publishing House
For more than 140 years, CPH has been serving individuals, families, and congregations in their proclamation and learning of the Gospel. They provide products and services that are faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. CPH is the publishing arm of The LCMS.
Just & Sinner Publications
This publishing house was born one night around the dinner table when a Lutheran pastor and his wife were lamenting the fact that there were very limited, affordable resources for people looking into Lutheranism. With their knowledge about theology and copyediting, they delved into publishing.
For Further Study
Understand Christianity
This website has been developed and is maintained by an independent group of pastors who saw a need for simple, biblical explanations of Christian teachings and books of the Bible. The explanations and commentaries were written hoping to accomplish just that. They also provide good reference material for anyone who wanted to study what the Bible itself had to say about certain doctrines.
The Proper Distinction Between Law & Gospel
From September 12, 1884 through November 6, 1885, Dr. C.F.W. Walther, the first President of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, delivered a series of 39 lectures to his seminary students about how to read and apply the Bible. These lectures were first published in 1895. (free audio)
The Book of Concord (The Lutheran Confessions)
This book contains documents explaining what Christians believed and taught regarding the Holy Scriptures from the 2nd to the 16th Century A.D. It includes three creeds which originated in the ancient church, the Apostles' Creed (2nd Century), the Nicene Creed (325), and the Athanasian Creed (6th or 7th Century). It also contains the Reformation writings known as the Augsburg Confession (1530), the Apology of the Augsburg Confession (1531), the Smalcald Articles (1536), the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537), Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms (1529), and the Formula of Concord (1577). The word “concord” is the Latin word for “harmony,” and it was derived from two Latin words (con + cord) which are translated literally as “one heart.”
Augsburg Theology Directory
A directory of Lutheran theological resources in written, audio, and video formats that is continually being updated with new links. This site represents traditional orthodox Lutheranism from a variety of authors and pastors. This website is produced by Just & Sinner Publications.
Lutheran Reformation 2017
Right around the corner is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation! This website offers free, downloadable resources, including introductory and focus videos, promotional material and educational material for congregations, church partners and schools to use.
Considering Seminary?
American Lutheran Theological Seminary
Do you have a desire to be a pastor? Has anyone ever told you, “You would make a great pastor” or that “you should consider this as your career path?” Have you ever wondered what your vocation might be after college? Or, is your career not fulfilling and you're wondering about pastoral ministry? St. Paul wrote, “If anyone sets his heart on being an overseerer, he desires a noble thing” (1 Tim. 3:1). If you have answered “Yes” to any of these questions, perhaps God is calling you to serve Him in His harvest field.
Looking for a Church?
The American Association of Lutheran Churches (The AALC)
The AALC is an association of churches and individuals who have voluntarily joined together to encourage and equip churches to carry out Mission and Ministry in their location, help churches and pastors communicate the changeless Gospel to an ever changing culture, and train Lutheran Pastors.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (The LCMS)
The LCMS is a mission-oriented, Bible-based, confessional Christian denomination headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, founded on the teachings of Martin Luther. The mission of The LCMS is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.