Winners of the 2016 Worst Easter Sermon Contest
/First Place: Ryan Miller of Branches
Second Place: Steven Furtick of Elevation "Church"
Third Place: Todd Bentley of Fresh Fire
“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”
First Place: Ryan Miller of Branches
Second Place: Steven Furtick of Elevation "Church"
Third Place: Todd Bentley of Fresh Fire
00:06:09 Winner of 2016 Worst Easter Sermon Announced
00:09:18 Patricia King Deliverance From Lack
00:19:57 Paula White Easter Scam
00:50:07 Rob Bell & Richard Rohr Alternative Orthodoxy Part 1
01:17:45 Sermon Review: Community by Adrian Boykin & Kevin Andres
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Resistance is Futile You Will Be Assimilated Into the Community
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00:07:21 Jason Blair Easter Allegoridoxy
00:31:32 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #8 - Steven Furtick
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Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. You can join our crew or make a one-time gift. We depend upon your generosity to help bring Fighting for the Faith to you and the world.
00:06:01 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #6 - Victoria Osteen
00:31:29 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #7 - Perry Noble
Email your questions or comments to: linlin
Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. You can join our crew or make a one-time gift. We depend upon your generosity to help bring Fighting for the Faith to you and the world.
• Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #5 - Todd Bentley
Todd Bentley doesn't want you to know about The Charismatic Day of Infamy
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00:07:56 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #2 - Scott McKenna
00:41:39 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #3 - Ryan Miller
01:19:41 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #4 - Kerry Shook
Email your questions or comments to: linlin
Please partner with us by clicking one of our friendly yellow buttons. You can join our crew or make a one-time gift. We depend upon your generosity to help bring Fighting for the Faith to you and the world.
00:12:08 William Tapley Unseals The Seven Thunders
00:24:11 Dutch Sheets & Chuck Pierce Prophecy Open Mic
0044:45 Chris Vallonton Demonic Resistance to Your Destiny
00:53:19 Patrick Lynch Easter Movement
01:15:52 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #1 - Jim Powell of Richwoods Christian Church
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© Pastor Chris Rosebrough for Pirate Christian Media. Connect with Chris on Twitter and Facebook. Listen to his sermons from Kongsvinger Lutheran Church on our Preaching Christ podcast.
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“Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1:3)
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