Steven Furtick to Join Bill Johnson & Kris Vallotton for Bethel Conference

Steven Furtick, who is somehow still considered part of the Southern Baptist Convention, will be a speaker at (yet another) conference from the heretical, Montanist, NAR mega-church: Bethel Church, Redding. This conference promises to "bring heaven" (if you buy an expensive ticket) just like all of their other conferences: 

Tickets cost between $129 to $189... but for an additional $60 surcharge you can sit closer to the NARpostles and have a Q&A session with the very cool (and very famous) Bethel musicians!


This should not seem too shocking since Furtick has already declared his great love and devotion to the Modalist heretic T. D. Jakes. Over the years, Steven Furtick has even adopted the dramatic and emotionally manipulative speaking style of T. D. Jakes. But now we see the attempt to merge two massive audiences: the NAR/Signs and Wonders/Hyper-Charismatic audience of Bill Johnson and his Bethel co-pastor, Kris Vallotton, with the more Word of Faith/Positive Thinking/Seeker-Friendly audience of Steven Furtick.

These men are all highly paid public speakers, and they wish to find as many new customers as possible. We can expect them to have brand new books to sell in time for this conference as well.

Here are some of the other false teachers that Steven Furtick has gladly shared the stage with:


Steven Furtick "Ministries" is hardly a ministry:  

  • It is NOT listed in the IRS database.
  • It is NOT registered as a non-profit in North Carolina or South Carolina.
  • It does NOT file a Form 990 with the IRS.

For more information:

The Steven Furtick Cornucopia of False Teaching, Egomania and Hair Gel

10 Reasons Why You Should RUN AWAY From Bethel Redding

Here's a very informative new video about Steven Furtick from Pastor Chris Rosebrough:

Are you sick and tired of seeing these false-teaching egomaniacs getting rich in the name of God??

Read the Manifesto of Christian Discernment:



Todd White: Fabricating a Miracle?

Here is a quick video of Todd White telling two completely different versions of the same story. In the first segment he talks about the time he had to have knee surgery because he was NOT miraculously healed. In the second segment (from a video on his Facebook page last week) he tells the story with a 100% different ending! He claims his knee was miraculously healed on the day he was supposed to have it surgically repaired. 

Attention Todd White: Why don't you release the name of the "Jewish doctor" who observed your miraculous healing so he can verify this story? 

Todd White is a highly paid public speaker, and miraculous stories make more money. In 2015 Todd White made over $600,000! In order to grow his audience, Todd White needs to continually pump himself up as a great man of God; he's a master at the "humble brag."

Just in case you think that Todd White is talking about two separate "torn knee" events:

Jim Bakker: The Coming Judgment

Jim Bakker believes he has some really important things to say in this 3 minute video:

Here are some of the incredibly vague things he said:

  • "We're about to experience something we've never had before."
  • "Things are going to happen."

Bakker claims to read the David Wilkerson book "Racing Towards Judgment" on a weekly basis and believes it is helping to predict what will happen next. Bakker claims that some of the book's predictions have already occurred, even though it was written "several years ago." No Jim, that book was written in 1976 (42 years ago).


Here is the one specific thing he said in this video:

  • "I believe with all my heart we're gonna see and hear and feel judgment of God. I believe judgment of God is coming, and it's coming right away. I believe we are going to see the big, final fulfillment in the next few months it's gonna begin probably within weeks ... we're gonna see something so dramatic happen."

(This video was published by Jim Bakker on April 6, 2018... almost 7 weeks ago.)


If Jim Bakker really wanted to preach the Gospel message, he would remind his audience that we all deserve the judgment of God, but thankfully, Jesus Christ took our sins upon Himself so that the judgment of God would never threaten us.

Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through Him!
— Romans 5: 9
For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
— 1 Thessalonians 5: 9

Jim Bakker wants to sell food buckets, which means he has to put people in a state of continuous fear...

Finding God at Beyonce "Mass?"

Just when you thought that seeker-friendly evangelicals were at the height of embarrassing cultural accommodation, this Episcopal church in San Francisco goes so far over the top that suddenly Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, and Benny Hinn appear orthodox and Biblical: 

God Sends a Moth to Show the Gullibility of Charisma Magazine


Most people don't get too excited when a moth gets captured by a security camera. Charisma Magazine, however, is sure that the moth is actually an angel, and the roofline of the building behind it is actually a sword:

Security Cameras Capture Footage of an Angel With a Sword

Just in case you're not sure that the sword is just the roofline behind it, Charisma even publishes the next frame in the sequence that clearly shows the roofline of the building as the moth flies away.

Here's the 2nd photograph showing the moth fly away:



Now here's the "angel with a sword" photograph:


Charisma Magazine got this ridiculous and unsubstantiated story from the Facebook page of Jordan Rivers Church.

Charisma Magazine is endorsed by Dr. Michael Brown.

Charisma Conference: Mark Driscoll Joins Katie Souza, Real Talk Kim, and Jonathan Cahn

When you ditch the mega-church you founded just in time to avoid the consequences of your horrid personal behavior, it can be difficult to find new speaking gigs. Heck, it can be hard to simply walk down the street without getting hit with a rotten tomato. But Mark Driscoll has found a new place to call home: the Charisma Conference! He's already published a new book with Charisma Publishing so now it's time for Driscoll to get on stage and sell stuff to a whole new audience, an audience who have already proven themselves gullible enough to buy The Sneaky Squid Spirit, The Four Blood Moons Thingy, The Harbinger/Shemitah/Paradigm Thingy, and about ten thousand other useless doctrines that are contrary to Scripture. 

Charisma Conference 2018

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The promotional website for this conference is 100% certain that the Holy Spirit wants you to buy a ticket...

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For more information:

Driscoll Re-Emerges as a Charismatic

Demonic Yeast Infections

Rosebrough's 2¢ on The Harbinger

Watch Katie Souza and Real Talk Kim in the 2nd half of this video:

Ryan LeStrange's New Doctrine Competes with the Sneaky Squid Spirit-Who Will Be the Victor?!

Here's an article from Charisma Magazine by Ryan Lestrange:

10 Signs of a Preacher is Influenced by Leviathan


LeStrange has clearly been influenced by the New Doctrine of the Sneaky Squid Spirit and appears to be feeling left out. In the world of Charismania, anyone can make up anything, and then everyone is supposed to nod their heads in agreement. Even Dr. Michael Brown can't bring himself to admit that the Sneaky Squid Spirit is ridiculous; most likely he would go along with whatever wacky new doctrine that Ryan LeStrange invents, too. 


Ryan LeStrange and Jennifer LeClaire seem to be battling it out for the title of:

"Most Willing to Make Up New Doctrine and Sell Stuff to the Desperate & Gullible."

This article by LeStrange is an example of the pot calling the kettle black. This is what false teachers do all the time: they speak against the very thing they are guilty of. 

Here is point number one from LeStrange's article: 

"They boast more of their accomplishments than the man Jesus. The preaching of the gospel can include many facets, but the main aim is to declare Jesus. Anytime ministry becomes more about a person or personality, it has gotten off course. Leviathan will make it about a man rather than clearly lifting up the name of Jesus." -Ryan LeStrange.

This is an amazing comment from a man who prattles on like a hyper-active teenager about useless topics that have almost no Gospel message or mention of Jesus Christ the resurrected Savior who died for our sins.

Want to hear someone boasting "more of their accomplishments than the man Jesus?" Here is Ryan's bio at the bottom of this article (punctuation errors included):

"Ryan LeStrange is an apostolic and prophetic revolutionary, laboring to see global awakening He is the founder and apostolic leader of a global network of ministries known as TRIBE Apostolic Network. He is the senior leader of the iHub movement, planting and overseeing a network of governing churches, apostolic hubs, and revival hubs Ryan is also a real estate investor who is active in the business arena. Ryan is an accomplished author. His latest release is titled Hell's Toxic Trio. Ryan and his wife, Joy, have one son, Joshua, and currently reside in Virginia."

The God You Should Doubt, According to Bill Johnson and Randy Clark

If you’re looking for guides to teach you how to walk by sight, and to doubt if God loves you in Christ, you really need to listen to Bill Johnson and Randy Clark. On the other hand if you prefer to live by faith and not by sight, and don’t want to doubt God’s love for you in Christ, then you probably shouldn’t consult Bill Johnson and Randy Clark...

Bill Johnson and Randy Clark were asked why miracles and healing are so important today. Bill Johnson gave an answer that really doesn’t encourage anyone to stretch their faith, or live by faith at all. He talked about how God has the power and resources to heal.

“If you have resources and you don’t take care of a need, then your love is questioned.” -Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson is giving us room to question God’s love if he doesn’t heal us. Forget about stretching our faith and calling us to walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)  Forget about saying that hope that is seen is no hope at all. (Romans 8:24) According to these men, what Jesus did on the cross doesn’t really prove that God does love us in Christ.

Randy Clark also gave a resounding call to live by sight and not by faith. He said that without miracles and healing, the gospel for some is just a moral code or philosophy. Clark gave emphasis to miracles and healing as THE way God shows his glory. That really is a top rate tactic on his part to get us to live by sight. If he wanted to get us to live by faith, he might suggest that the gospel is the very power of God unto salvation. (Romans 1:16)

So if you want the top advocates for living by sight, and doubting if God loves you, listen to Bill Johnson and Randy Clark. It’s rather interesting that these two men known for their "amazing faith," are actually better at promoting the exact opposite.

Original video here.

Thanks to Is Not Satire!

Kenneth Copeland and Oral Roberts Brag About Being RICH

Here's one of the founders of the Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel, Oral Roberts, bragging and laughing about the great riches that he and Kenneth Copeland enjoy; then watch the aging and unrepentant Copeland fail to heal anyone at a healing service:

Lance Wallnau: "Violate Scripture With Me!"

Here's the great "Commander of the Millibars," Lance Wallnau:

This may come as a shock, but Lance Wallnau appears to have a phony degree from a diploma mill

Thanks to Is Not Satire for the story and videos!

Bethel Redding's Liturgical Prayer to the God of Mammon

It seems this is what we should expect from NAR Prosperity Preacher, Bill Johnson:

Click on this recent episode of Fighting for the Faith to hear a little bit of Bill Johnson's Scripture twisting. Here's a recent episode about fellow Bethel Prosperity Preacher, Kris Vallotton: I See Rich People. For a LOT more information about Bill & Bethel check out this: The Bill Johnson Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bible-Twisting and General Absurdity

Thanks to Is Not Satire for this story/video!

Benny Hinn says: "You guys are getting good at this Prosperity Preaching!"

Benny Hinn says: "You guys are getting good at this Prosperity Preaching!"

"Come Holy Spirit" Conference: Professional Speakers Need an Audience

Here's yet another conference... the Holy Spirit will "show up" and it'll change the whole world and stuff. If you go to this thing you'll never be same, blah blah blah...

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Okay, let's just be honest: These people are professional speakers and if you don't buy tickets to this thing, they won't make any money. 

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Here's what the title page says for this conference:

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So they ripped Acts 1:8 out of context and applied it to this conference! Here's more of the passage:

On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. (8) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
— Acts 1: 4-9

In the very next chapter of Acts, the Holy Spirit (really) fell on people:

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
— Acts 2: 1-4

So the thing that this passage is pointing to has already happened. Read the rest of this chapter-it's an amazing passage of Scripture! We don't need to keep begging the Holy Spirit to fall (unless you want to sell more tickets to yet another conference).

The Holy Spirit has come.

These professional speakers don't want you to know that. They continually tell you that you don't have enough of the Holy Spirit until you buy tickets and go to their events and buy their books and get lulled into a semi-hypnotic state by the soft-rock worship team and then listen to people talk a lot, tell outlandish & unverifiable stories, and twist God's Word while they brag about how humble they are.

By the way, if you're really interested in getting more you can spend an extra $79 for the Premier Ticket to have one "meet and greet session" with a Super Apostle; maybe you'll get an "anointing" or "mantle" or "impartation" or something.

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Most of the 2nd chapter of Acts is the Apostle Peter's terrific sermon, where he tells people the hard truth that they've rejected the Messiah, Jesus, and are guilty of crucifying Him. This is what follows:

Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” And with many other words he bore witness and continued to exhort them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.
— Acts 2: 37-41

Indeed, let us all "save ourselves from this crooked generation."

Utterly Useless Blathering from Cindy Jacobs & Chuck Pierce

Here's a short video demonstrating the utterly useless "prophetic ministry" of people like Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce. This happened in 2009, and like all of these types of prophetic messages, nothing is clearly being taught of any value, and nothing good happened as a result of this type of rambling, incoherent nonsense.

Dr. Michael Brown's Citizenship in Sid Roth-Iscam

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Have you heard of the country called Sid Roth-Iscam? It's a very special place, where only a select few can become citizens. Sid Roth-Iscam is where weak and vulnerable travelers lose their money and dignity, as the royal citizenry enrich themselves through fraud and deceit.


Dr. Michael Brown has proven his citizenry in this land. Here is a short video that explains the qualifications necessary to become a citizen of this land:

Thanks to Is Not Satire!

Remember, Dr. Michael Brown has publicly validated the "ministry" of his good friend, Sid Roth:

Want an "Imparting" From These Christian Superstars at the Presence Conference? Pay The Fee!

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Here's (yet another) conference where you're supposed to go and "encounter God." This one has superstars Rick Pino, Todd White, Misty Edwards, and a few other NAR people as guest speakers and musicians. Rick Pino is putting on this conference, that's why he gets top billing. This "Presence 2018" event is where the Holy Spirit has been scheduled to make an appearance.  

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(Notice above that these people have trouble spelling the word "Christianity" correctly; imagine how they handle actual Christian doctrine!)

Here's a screenshot of the ticket prices; notice the PREMIUM option:

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So, for an extra twenty bucks you can have an exclusive time of imparting with one of the celebrity worship leaders or speakers.

My dear Corinthians, although I would like to see you in person and have an exclusive time of imparting, I must be paid some sort of fee. I am, after all, the Apostle Paul.
— Things Real Apostles Never Say


It looks like Rick Pino is trying to kick-start his HOD School of Ministry. What does HOD stand for? House of David. This appears to be the latest trend in the hyper-Charismatic world: re-establishing the tabernacle of David

If you want to attend Pino's "school" you'll have to shell out $3,600 for a 12 week semester, and half of your academic day will involve "praying" and "worshipping" while hypnotic music lulls you into thinking that you're actually learning something. Here's what the schedule looks like:

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On Saturdays you'll have the opportunity to annoy the citizens of Austin, Texas, by continually attempting to make both of their legs the same length. The citizens of Redding, California would appreciate the chance to be left alone, so if you're thinking of attending the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, maybe give this school a try instead.

If you're sceptical that maybe Rick Pino's school isn't legit, don't worry: Kim Walker Smith thinks it's the place for you (she had her photo taken right after she got back from a Halloween party)...

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Here's a related article about this new "Skip Jesus and the New Testament" movement:

Re-Establishing the Tabernacle of David... in Australia

Here's more information about the highly paid professional speaker, Todd White:

Re-Establishing the Tabernacle of David... in Australia

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Because the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ isn't good enough for these people, they want to go back to the Old Testament. The School of Faith is asking for money to help them build the Tabernacle of David in Melbourne, Australia:

Not surprisingly, this organization is using curriculum from Bethel Church, Redding:

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Here's their plan:


They've got it all: the "Encounter Gospel," the "five-fold ministry," the "7 Mountain Mandate," and on top of all that, they are going to "establish God's heart on earth."

You Can Unlock the Supernatural from the Courts of Heaven! (For $139.00)

Got an extra $139 laying around? The Apostle Robert Henderson will grant you permission to:

Unlock the Supernatural from the Courts of Heaven!

And if you think this is gonna be just another flakey conference don't worry, this conference features some heavyweight theologians like: Patricia King, Che Ahn, Randy Clark, Mark Chironna (who is sporting a new scholarly-looking beard and a cool Bill Johnson-style shirt!) and The Apostle Robert Henderson himself.



Here's the Apostle Robert Henderson talking about how to get rich-oops, I mean unlocking wealth... but I'll save you the 28 minutes of worthless blathering. Wanna get rich? Charge a bunch of people $139 to "unlock the supernatural from the courts of heaven!"

By the way, if this sounds like the prosperity gospel to you, don't worry about it, because Dr. Michael Brown says it's not!