North Point Church Blog: "No Bible Verses for You!!!"

Apparently North Point Church refuses to allow Bible verses on their blog:

Above is a screenshot from 6:53 pm of a comment made the morning of Thursday, July 28th, on the North Point Church blog. The comment is simply three Bible verses-without commentary or criticism, but they've never been published. The blog says "Your comment is awaiting moderation." Why doesn't North Point want to allow these Bible verses to be shown on their website? Maybe because they'd have to remove them... like they did earlier on this same morning:

And the next day...

they still won't post Bible verses:


Here's a screenshot from two days later (nothing has changed):



North Point Church is making it more difficult to view their "boy band" video (since we published this a few days ago), so we've made this video to remind everyone of it's questionable and foolish content:

If anyone is interested in seeing how this works, go ahead and post some Bible verses to their "boy band" video page and see what happens:

Here's a whole bunch of Bible verses you may want to share with them:

Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know!

Update: September 12, 2016...

"Love the way you turn me on!" at North Point Community Church

"Love the way you turn me on." "You got the right stuff, baby."

Imagine you're sitting in church on Sunday during an official worship service, and singers on stage are singing those lyrics. Would you really want to hear lyrics about how a girl turns a guy on because she has the right stuff baby? That's what happened during a Sunday worship service at North Point Community Church-Andy Stanley's church. They opened an official Sunday worship service with hits from the 1990s.

The Apostle Paul said, "We preach Christ and Him crucified," but Stanley seems to be saying "we will put on an elaborate and worldly show to draw a crowd." 

Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ not good enough? Does it really need to be dressed up with cheesy boy band songs from the 90s? On top of that, can anyone imagine that any of those performers had any free time left to study God's Word? This is a tightly choreographed and professionally performed medley of (secular) hits; it must have taken many hours of practice and rehearsal to accomplish this. Is this what a church should be encouraging it's people to focus their precious time on? North Point and Andy Stanley have a gigantic effect on other churches in America; many smaller churches study their methods and try to emulate their "success." Lord have mercy...

Here's a quote from Andy Stanley that might help:

For those who think it's mean, judgmental and un-loving to criticize Andy Stanley/North Point Church (or any other popular teacher/church) here's something just for you: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.

If you're having a knee-jerk reaction to try and defend this church's video, check out: Confirmation Bias: Why You Are Protecting Your False Beliefs.

Finally, here's an article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.

UPDATE JULY 28, 2016!!

Apparently North Point Church refuses to allow Bible verses on their blog:

This is a screenshot from 6:53 pm of a comment made this morning. The comment is simply three Bible verses-not commentary or criticism. Why doesn't North Point want to allow these Bible verses to be shown on their website?? Maybe because they'd have to remove the Bible verses... like they did earlier on this same morning:

Read the follow-up article: No Bible Verses for You!!!