Lou Engle Doubles Down on Dumb Idea: "2020 is The Year of Stadium Christianity!"
Lou Engle is convinced that the Holy Spirit declared 2020 to be the “Year of Stadium Christianity” even as all public events are being canceled around the world.
In a recent article, where he called for a 3-day fast to end the coronavirus, Lou had a verital festival of irony, as he failed to see how unbiblical, contradictory, and presumptuous he was.
Lou is not backing down on his assertion that the Holy Spirit has “marked 2020 as a year of stadium Christianity and explosive advance of the kingdom.”
The gigantic Send event in Argentina scheduled for April 25 must be canceled because all public events have been banned.
Lou Engle should probably say something like this: “Oops. I was totally wrong about the plans of God…”
Instead of admitting he was totally wrong, he (you guessed it!) blames the whole global pandemic on Satan, because the Send was about to bring about “The Greatest Revival the World Has Ever Seen.” So now everyone needs to pray even harder than they already were. And don’t eat, either.
If you don’t believe The Send was about to conjure up the greatest revival in world history, just watch some of their emotionally manipulative videos and marketing material and you’ll change your mind.
Lou says: “It is our conviction that the storm of this pandemic has been stirred up by a high-level demonic principality…” Some might have guessed that this pandemic was stirred up by a low or mid-level demonic principality, but Lou has added clarity to this issue.
Lou was pretty sure he should call for a fast and then “a great evangelist from Europe, Jean-Luc Trachsel, texted me and said, "Lou, don't miss this moment. Call a fast across the world and shatter this coronavirus!" I felt it was the word of the Lord.”
So the coronavirus is shattered, according to Lou Engle and Jean-Luc Trachsel.
“Together, in the victory Christ has already won on the Cross, we will speak to this coronavirus, saying, “Be thou removed!” As we do, let’s believe together that this pandemic will abate, stadiums will be filled, elections shifted, and 2020 will go down in history – not as the year where the nations collapsed – but as the year of historic advance of evangelism and missions worldwide!”
— Lou Engle on March 18, 2020
“Thou shall prepare a stadium before Me, and I shall deliver unto you the great revival that you’ve been talking about for, lo, many decades.”
— Not In The Bible
“Every single day I see miraculous healings. It’s normal Christianity. I could have ended this world-wide pandemic, but I’ve been in my secret place.”
— Todd White (not)
The (soon to be collectable) Send Trading Cards.
This article is being written on March 26, 2020, and the 3-day fast did not stop the worldwide virus pandemic, but Lou Engle will continue to revered as a top leader of the New Apostolic Reformation.
“I wholeheartedly revere the voice of Lou Engle and his ministry.”
— Steve Shultz, Elijah List
Steven Kozar is the Curator of the Museum of Idolatry and the guy behind The Messed Up Church website and YouTube channel.