Todd White Exposed-Fake Leg Lengthening Trick!
The following short clip was taken from the new movie The American Gospel: Christ Alone:
When this clip was posted to social media, most of the comments were positive, however, when we look at negative comments from Todd White supporters it is very revealing. Anyone who watches this clip (whether they’re a Christian or not) can see that Todd White is performing a cheap parlor trick-he is not making a leg miraculously grow. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that have exposed this fraudulent leg lengthening trick for years. Everyone can see the trick with their own eyes… except those who refuse to see it.
Here’s a harsh reality: We are, in many cases, dealing with the type of thought control and thinking patterns associated with religious cults. None of the Word of Faith/New Apostolic Reformation supporters will deal with the reality that Todd White is scamming people with his fraudulent leg-lengthening trick. Instead, they attack the critics (like me, Steve Kozar, or this film’s maker, Brandon Kimber) as “religious Pharisees.” Darren Wilson, who made the Holy Ghost films that helped bring Todd White to prominence, must retain his followers by avoiding any honest discussion of the obvious trick that Todd White is perpetrating. Todd White will probably never make mention of the American Gospel film by name in public, but we can expect him to make ad hominem attacks against it. We can expect to hear him say something like this: “There’s a heresy hunter movie out there that doesn’t think the Holy Spirit is active in the world anymore… but we know different, don’t we?!”
The Holy Spirit is truly active active in the world today, but He’s not doing street magic and performing psychosomatic healings.
Here's an article with details on Todd's obscene income: Todd White: How Much Money Does He Actually Make?
Check out this giant compilation of articles about Todd White: The Todd White Cornucopia of False Teaching
Todd White is part of a gigantic, shape-shifting, loosely-knit movement known as The New Apostolic Reformation