Las Vegas Rooster Ushers in Cock Crowing Watch 2017 - Chuck Pierce
/Did you know we're in the beginning of a Cock Crowing Watch right here in February of 2017? Would you be shocked it was ushered in by a rooster Chuck Pierce saw while he was in Las Vegas?
If you're shocked, you obviously don't know the ramblings of Chuck Pierce. Apparently Chuck was ministering in Vegas and saw some lanterns and roosters.
“Thank you for praying for me this past month. My schedule was very demanding, but the Lord has showed Himself strong at every turn. While I was ministering in Las Vegas, I noticed the lanterns and the roosters. I then realized that in the Chinese culture, this is the year of the rooster. I said to Lord, “Is there anything I need to see in this?” He immediately spoke to me and said, “This is the time for the ‘COCK CROWING WATCH’! There are certain demonic forces that can only be displaced by doing this watch.”
This is another, in an endless chain of life restoration schemes dreamt up in the vain imaginations of false prophets like Chuck Pierce. Over and over again, something really important comes down the prophetic pipeline, and everyone is supposed to pay attention to the latest "word from God." If these restoration schemes actually worked, there would never be a need for another restoration scheme.
“The Spirit of God is saying, “Do not be afraid to go back down to that place where you were held in the valley. The valley, or the place where you have had confined vision, is losing its strength. I have a people that are getting ready to journey and come up to the place of ‘seeing’ where I reveal Myself in a new way. Not only will you see Me, but you will see your desires upon your enemy. If you will go back to the valley, you will find what was captured and the treasures that have been hidden. ”
“Truly the power of My Name is at hand. The gifts in you that have lain dormant will arise as you ascend with Me, and you will have the power to RECOVER ALL.”
Chuck Pierce is a failed prophet. He keeps broken and hurting people addicted to his false prophecies by promising restorations that never come true. Gambling your money away in Vegas is unwise, and gambling your hopes on this false prophecy ushered in by a rooster in Vegas is just silly.
Even though he's a failed prophet, he has climbed the ladder in the kingdom of the NAR's lunacy. In August of 2010, C. Peter Wagner, the pope of the NAR for all intents and purposes, handed over control of Global Harvest Ministries to Chuck Pierce. Instead of continuing GHM, Pierce started Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI), "a new wineskin for apostolic alignment." Chuck is described as the president of this new apostolic wineskin incorporation. He is an incoherent, babbling man. He is not an Apostle.
“This is Peter Wagner with a very important and exciting message. On my 80th birthday, August 15, 2010, I officially turned GHM over to Chuck Pierce of Denton, Texas. Instead of continuing GHM, Chuck organized Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI), a new wineskin for apostolic alignment which will carry Doris and me into the future. Chuck is President and I am Apostolic Ambassador. As a part of this transition, we have closed the GHM website, and transferred our material to the GSI website. Please click on Global Spheres and you will now find what used to be on GHM website.
May God bless you and prosper you in every way!
C. Peter Wagner, Apostolic Ambassador
Global Spheres, Inc. ”
Chuck Pierce appears to be the leader of the NAR. So the head of all of the apostles is now receiving "prophetic" messages that are triggered by roosters he sees in Las Vegas. Do we really need to say more?