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"Prophetess" Lana Vawser Declares 2016 The Year of the Slipstream

It's not even Christmas yet and some of the so-called "prophets", like Lana Vawswer, are already claiming to receive prophetic revelations for the the coming year.

In what could only be described as prophetic diarrhea, Lana has published what she mistakenly believes are words from the Lord for 2016. Below is just a sample:

As I have pressed into the heart of the Lord for the next year, 2016, I felt He showed me one of the themes He wanted to focus on this year.

I kept hearing the words over and over "The year of the slipstream". 

SLIPSTREAM: "the airstream generating reduced air pressure and forward suction directly behind a rapidly moving vehicle."  (www.dictionary.com)


2015 has been a year of intense pressure, intense stretching, intense opposition and contending. I believe in 2016 there is an invitation into a divine 'slipstream'. The wind of the Spirit moving in great acceleration but the Lord calling us to a 'positioning' of greater rest. It seems completely opposite and 'illogical' in the natural, but many things the Lord is going to ask His people to do or not do in 2016 will be a great surprise, but MORE is going to come out of divine rest in whatever form that looks like for you (physical, emotional/mental healing, release of striving, settled heart in His nature and ways etc) in 2016.

I felt the Lord say that 2016 would be a year THE GREATEST demonstration of DIVINE REST of heart, mind, soul and body for many, but also THE GREATEST demonstration of ACCELERATION that they have ever seen. 

A place of shaking off the shackles of driving and seeing Him break off and bring deeper healing to any parts of the soul that would cause a 'pushing forward'.

For the rest of Lana's incoherent "prophetic" ramblings for 2016 Click Here

“that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written” (1 Corinthians 4:6)