Why Eastlake "Church" Embraces LGBT


00:08:46 Ryan LeStrange Annoucement Is Upon You
00:20:40 Jennifer LeClaire Claims God Will Speak To You Through Natural Things
00:41:08 Robin Harfouche Litany of Man-Made Doctrines
00:57:00 Ryan Meeks Explains Why His "Church" Embraces LGBT
01:17:14 Sermon Review: Hooked by Heather Palacios

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Paul's Adam??


William Tapley Finds Biblical Prophetic Meaning in the Russian Winter Olympic Mascots
Robin Harfouche & Chasing Devils
McLaren Sees Holy Spirit Working in the Nones?
• Biologos Blurs "Paul's Adam"
• Sermon Review: Church in the Wild by Suzanne Castle of The Search

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