The Dangers of Postmodernism


Discussion on Postmodernity, what it is and why it is dangerous for the church to embrace. A conversation between Chris Rosebrough, @Aspree, Steven Kozar and Matthew Garnett.


For further reading and research on this topic:

Postmodern Christianity's End Game? (With many links) from the Berean Examiner

 The User's Guide to Postmodern "Emergent" Christianity from the Messed Up Church

In Layman's Terms Podcast by Matthew Garnett

YouTube Audiobook of "Explaining Postmodernism" by Stephan Hicks (with other videos on Postmodernism in the YouTube playlist)

The Andy Stanley Cornucopia of False Teaching, Fast Talking & Postmodern Ambiguity from the Messed Up Church

Warning for Children's Ministries "Turning Orange" by the Berean Examiner

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Jim Bakker's Bizarre Defense of Bill O'Reilly


00:10:01 Winners of the Worst Easter Sermon of the Year Announced
00:13:19 Jim Bakker Bizarre Defense of Bill O'Reilly
00:36:41 Lana Vawser Less Than Authoritative "Prophecy"
00:49:04 Lance Wallnau This is the Month of Divine Revealing
00:53:18 John & Lisa Bevere Feelings Based Arguments for Women Preachers
01:10:16 Steve Kozar Interview with Matthew Garnett

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