Code Orange Bible Challenge
/Grab your Bible or open your favorite Bible app and see if you can locate the Bible passages that teach these doctrines.
Note: every one of these doctrines have been taught during the first 4 days of the Code Orange Revival and have been tweeted out by people following the Code Orange Revival.
Doctrine #1:
"Sometimes God will give you the word for a storm you're not in yet."
— Emory Quince (@TheEmoryQuince) September 13, 2016
-Ps @stevenfurtick #CodeOrangeRevival
This is 🔥🔥🔥
Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that God will give you the word for a storm you're not in yet.
Doctrine #2
When I release what's in me, God will revive what's around me. @stevenfurtick @ElevationChurch #CodeOrangeRevival
— Katie Haines (@HappilyHaines) September 13, 2016
Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that when you release what's in you, God will revive what's around you.
Doctrine #3
The distance between your anointing and your announcement is the process #CodeOrangeRevival
— Amanda Lynn (@AmandaLCoble) September 13, 2016
Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that the distance between your anointing and your announcement is the process.
Doctrine #4
Worship is not just a sound, but it's a substance. Only God can handle the substance of worship. @RealJohnGray #CodeOrangeRevival
— Seth Volz (@sethvolz) September 13, 2016
Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that worship is a substance that only God can handle.
Doctrine #5
The password to your miracle is the sound of your praise!- @RealJohnGray with @stevenfurtick #codeorangerevival
— April White (@RedChairMoments) September 13, 2016
Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that the password to your miracle is the sound of your praise.
Doctrine #6
"If you don't deal with yesterday today, you will never step into tomorrow."@ChristineCaine#CodeOrangeRevival
— Alex Holt (@mralexholt) September 13, 2016
Challenge: Find the passage of scripture that says that if you don't deal with yesterday today, you will never step into tomorrow.
We wish you the best of luck finding all the Biblical passages that teach these doctrines. You're going to need much more than luck because the Bible doesn't teach any of these doctrines.
Don't believe me? You will as soon as you realize that not one of these doctrines are found in scripture. Everyone of these statements are a myth.
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”
For more information on how the Bible is getting twisted in many popular churches: