A Measles Outbreak at a Word-Faith Megachurch & Pentecostals Downplaying Speaking in Tongues
/Mega-Church Pastor Brian Houston on Homosexuality
/How Can I Be Sure I’m a Christian?
/Fuller Theological Seminary Sanctions LGBT Student Group
/“Making the Case” Conference: From Charismatic Extremism to the Reformation
/Bob & Tracy Liichow of Discernment Ministries International
This post first appeared on Issues, Etc.
Willow Creek Returns to Its 1990s “Vision Frame”
/The Asuza Street Revival and Its Influence on Christianity
/Rob Bell Expresses Support for Same-Sex Marriage
/Emergent Church Leader Tony Jones’ Denial of the Atonement
/Distinguishing Law and Gospel
/A Megachurch Pastor Teaching Polytheism
/Sharing the Christian Faith
/A Review of Joel Osteen’s Book, “Everyday a Friday,” Part 3
/Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller of Hope Lutheran-Aurora, CO
Featured Article: “Joel Osteen versus Martin Luther” by Bryan Wolfmueller
This post first appeared on Issues, Etc.
A Review of Joel Osteen’s Book, “Everyday a Friday,” Part 2
/Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller of Hope Lutheran-Aurora, CO
Featured Article: “Joel Osteen versus Martin Luther” by Bryan Wolfmueller
This post first appeared on Issues, Etc.
A Review of Joel Osteen’s Book, “Everyday a Friday,” Part 1
/Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller of Hope Lutheran-Aurora, CO
Featured Article: “Joel Osteen versus Martin Luther” by Bryan Wolfmueller
This post first appeared on Issues, Etc.