DUMPSTER FIRE: Carol Arnott Waterboards Mr. Sponge

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Is the Death of Billy Graham a Prophetic Sign - Part 2


00:07:59 Ryan LeStrange Territorial Warriors Stay Put
00:15:21  Tak Bhana Tomorrow I Will Do Wonders
00:37:38 Is the Death of Billy Graham a Prophetic Sign - Part 2
01:06:10 Sermon Review: We the Dreamers by Jason Howard

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Is the Death of Billy Graham a Prophetic Sign - Part 1

00:07:00 Robert Henderson Breaking Curses Legal Rights
00:19:54 Steve Chalke The Bible is Driving Down Church Attendance
00:36:40 Is the Death of Billy Graham a Prophetic Sign - Part 1
01:19:59 Good Sermon: Jesus' First Sign & Radiant in His Divinity by Bryan Wolfmueller

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Eagles Make Love in the Air


00:07:13 Prophecy Open Mic from Glory City Church and Cindy Jacobs
00:40:26  Eric Dykstra Love Shack Part 2
00:50:22 T.D. Jakes Eagles Make Love in the Air
01:09:18 Sermon Review: Vision Sunday by Brian Houston

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Thou Shalt Not Steal - Part 2


Rosebrough's Ramblings on Exodus

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Feast of Purim Flim Flam


00:05:46 Charlie Shamp Northwest Oil "Prophecy"
00:11:50 Larry Huch Feast of Purim Flim Flam
00:37:05 Patricia King & Robert Henderson Unlocking Destiny
00:52:14 Steve Adams Trajectory of Promise & Purpose
01:12:05 Sermon Review: Soaking in God's Presence by Carol Arnott

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DUMPSTER FIRE: Charisma Mag's Mea Culpa & LeClaire's Money Meltdown

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Levi Lusko Gives Up On Preaching the Bible


00:07:52 Tremper Longman Is Genesis 1-11 Figurative Language
00:20:28 Allyson Rowe The Size of Your Battle Confirms the Size of Your Anointing
00:35:18 Eric Dykstra Jesus Gives Relationship Advice - Part 1
00:48:06 Levi Lusko Isn't Even Trying Anymore
01:13:05 Good Sermon: Man's Works and God's Works by Gervase Charmley

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The "One New Man" Heresy


This is a think along episode of F4F that examines the NAR and Latter Rain heretical doctrine known as "The One New Man"

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Resistance is Futile: You Will Be Assimilated Into the Community

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Thou Shalt Not Steal - Part 1


Rosebrough's Ramblings on Exodus

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Launch Into the Deep?


00:09:15 Keith Craft Launch Into the Deep
00:40:38 Joyce Meyer Latest Sermon at Lakewood
00:57:47 John Gray Twisting Scripture for Elevation's 12th Anniversary
01:16:10 Sermon Review: An Introduction by Leanne Matthesius

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Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception" (Audio Version)


Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception" (Audio Version)

Here's another interview with Costi Hinn from last March where Costi tells more of his personal story to Kozar: Interview With Costi Hinn: Leaving Uncle Benny to (Really) Follow Jesus

Email your questions or comments to: talkback@fightingforthefaith.com


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Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception"

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Are the Sign Gifts For Today?


Are the Sign Gifts For Today? by Chris Rosebrough

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DUMPSTER FIRE: Fresh February "Prophecies"

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Is Tithing Your Jericho?


00:08:34 Jim Bakker Terror Attack Prophecy for Winter Olympics
00:14:53 Jennifer Eivaz Luke 21:18 Hair Loss Prevention Text
00:38:54 Jules A’Bell The Apostles Brian & Bobbie Houston?
00:46:15 Peter Rollins Atheism for Lent
01:07:07 Sermon Review: The Blessing by Phil Pringle

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Conversation with Phil Johnson RE: Michael Brown & His NAR "Truth"

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Conversation with Phil Johnson RE: Michael Brown & His NAR "Truth" (Podcast Version)


Conversation with Phil Johnson RE: Michael Brown & His NAR "Truth" 

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The Apostle of Obfuscation Rides Again!

Hour 1: Response to Michael Brown's "Truth" About NAR

Hour 2: Sermon Review:  Power and Presence of God by Michael Brown

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Clever and Sneaky Snakes


00:08:01 Katie Souza Clever and Sneaky Snakes
00:18:25 Sarah Cheesman Move It Move It Move It
00:42:42 Perry Stone False Teaching RE: Tongues
00:50:11 Ken Copeland Speak the Desired End Result Part 2
01:04:03 Sermon Review: From Whiner to Warrior by David Hughes

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