Toronto Blessing or Toronto Curse? Part 2

Toronto Blessing or Toronto Curse? Part 2
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


The Toronto Blessing: No Other Foundation by Alan Morrison

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Is Your Church Ordinary or Has God Made it Spiritually Special?

Is Your Church Ordinary or Has God Made it Spiritually Special?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:43 William Tapley Prophetic Insights to Coup Attempt in Turkey
00:20:53 Lana Vawser Prophetic Word for King’s Way
00:48:48 James Goll Fourth Wave is Coming
01:16:01 Sermon Review: The Jungle Book by Matt Speer

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Payday is Coming?!?

Payday is Coming?!?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:43 Vonda - Trump Prophecy Specifics
00:20:53 Jesse Duplantis - Why Isn’t my Giving Working?
00:48:48 Joyce Meyer - Payday is Coming
01:16:01 Sermon Review: The BFG: How to Deal with Giants by Ross Feazell

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Toronto Blessing or Toronto Curse? Part 1

Toronto Blessing or Toronto Curse? Part 1
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


The Toronto Blessing: A Different Gospel by Alan Morrison

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Alan Morrison's original video presentation via YouTube

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Steve Hill's Bible Twisting at Brownsville "Revival"

Steve Hill's Bible Twisting at Brownsville "Revival"
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:07:10 Katt Kerr Channels Jesus?
00:18:36 Shawn Bolz Sees Dead People
00:35:13 Rick Joyner & Bill Johnson Discuss Hosting the Holy Spirit
00:54:26 Louie Giglio They Will Know We Are Christians by our _______
01:05:09 Sermon Review: The Father’s Day Outpouring by Steve Hill, June 18th, 1995 at the Pensacola Brownsville Revival

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Oppose Trump and God Will Kill You???

Oppose Trump and God Will Kill You???
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:41 Mark Taylor Oppose Trump and God Might Kill You
00:22:32 Joel Osteen It's On The Way
00:45:01 T.D. Jakes Stumbling Into The Place
01:16:54 Good Sermon: Access to God by Grace by Gervase Charmley

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The Bad Fruit of Experiential "Theology"

The Bad Fruit of Experiential "Theology"
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:04:39 Kris Valloton Calls for Unity with Rome
00:58:50 Sermon Review: Burning Hearts to Change the World by Dr. Michael Brown

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Evaluating Pentecostal Distinctives

William Branham: The Bad Root of the N.A.R.

Waterless Clouds - Includes Isi de Gersigny "Sermon"

Your Dream May Be Bigger Than Your Environment - Includes Isi de Gersigny "Sermon"

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Beth Moore Wants You to Dig Wells?

Beth Moore Wants You to Dig Wells?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:04:39 Patricia King Strings Together a False Doctrine
00:23:49 Creflo Dollar Cooperating With the Law of Faith
00:50:37 Beth Moore Narcigetes Issac & the Wells
01:09:03 Sermon Review: Hello My Name is Anxiety by Adam Huschka

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Rosebrough's Ramblings Through Genesis 26 & 27

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Leaving Struggle Street?

Leaving Struggle Street?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith

00:07:52 William Tapley Brexit: Babylon Exits the Beast
00:17:22 Prophecy Open Mic
00:34:22 Colette Toach Spiritual Birthing
00:46:38 Brian Houston Leaving Struggle Street
01:08:40 Sermon Review: Missio Dei: Mission Possible by Rob Winkler

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Angry Birds "The Sermon"?

Angry Birds "The Sermon"?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith

00:07:19 Vonda The Nagging Profitess
00:21:51 Jennifer LeClaire & Ryan Johnson Miss The Obvious
00:38:00 Jennifer Toledo Soaks in the Oil of Nonsense
00:54:41 Tavner Smith Next Level Mindset
01:12:06 Sermon Review: God on Film: Angry Birds Kerrick Thomas

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The Snare of "Fresh Revelation"

The Snare of "Fresh Revelation"
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:45 Prophecy Open Mic
00:21:03 Colette Toach Intro to Prophetic Warfare
00:36:04 Miranda Nelson Fries Her Brain on the Glory
00:44:51 Shawn Bolz an Open Theist?
00:49:28 Patricia King & Clarice Fluit The Glory of the Latter House
01:08:58 Sermon Review: What Used to Work by Jeff Dollar

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Discerning the Sneaky, Seductive Jezebel Spirit

Discerning the Sneaky, Seductive Jezebel Spirit
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:08:20 Jennifer LeClaire Discerning the Sneaky, Seductive Jezebel Spirit
00:38:37 Larry Huch First Fruits Pentecost Rip Off
00:54:05 Russell Evans Riffing on Bible Slogans
01:17:50 Sermon Review: God is Able by Phil Pringle

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What's Your Hagar?

What's Your Hagar?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:25 Guillermo Maldonado Anointed for Purpose
00:18:13 Keith Craft The Think Be Do of Winning
00:45:58 Cora Jakes-Coleman What's Your Hagar?
01:06:39 Sermon Review: Acts of Faith Kevin Gerald

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Guillermo Maldonado: Supernatural (Hype) Now!

Keith Craft mangles Proverbs 23: 7. Read #3 of "Frequently Abused and Misused Bible Verses"

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Hillsong United With Roman Catholics?

Hillsong United With Roman Catholics?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:07:40 Prophecy Open Mic
00:20:22 Brian Powers The Assignment of Your Miracle
00:44:59 Dave & Jenny Gilpin The Assignment of Your Miracle
00:55:35 Terry Crist Hillsong's Call For Unity With Roman Catholics
01:05:24 Sermon Review: Dominion Doctrine Jurgen Mattesius

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Interview With the Televangelist, Brian Powers

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Post Azusa-Azusa Impartation

Post Azusa-Azusa Impartation
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:55 Jason Hooper Projecting What You Perceive
00:20:52 Touré Roberts The Sequence of Promotion
00:46:28 Bill Johnson Post Azusa-Azusa Impartation
00:54:37 Ron Carpenter Mindworld
01:09:26 Sermon Review: A Faith That Dreams by Kerrick Thomas

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Natural Resistance to Spiritual Possibilities?

Natural Resistance to Spiritual Possibilities?
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:49 Colette Toach Projecting What You Perceive
00:20:40 Zach Drew & Sasha Volz Jesus Prophesied Transhumanism
00:46:53 Brian Houston Natural Resistance to Spiritual Possibilities?
01:08:02 Sermon Review: Open the Window Vicki Simpson

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I Have a Mantle and I'm Not Afraid to Use It

I Have a Mantle and I'm Not Afraid to Use It
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:05:49 Todd Bentley Back to the Future Mantle Dream
00:16:47 Samuel Rodriguez I Have a Mantle and I'm Not Afraid to Use It
00:18:54 Phil Pringle God Has Done His Part
00:23:07 Presence Fleecings by Samuel Rodriguez, J. John and Louie Giglio
01:07:34 Craig Groeschel Preaches at Osteen's Building
01:27:28 Sermon Review: I Am A Sheep by Robert Morris

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Shawn Bolz Mimics Long Island Medium

Shawn Bolz Mimics Long Island Medium
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith

00:07:18 Purple Rain Praise Song Medley
00:12:37 William Tapley Prophetic Insights of Prince's Death
00:21:58 Rod Parsley Passover Exploitation
00:43:10 Testing Shawn Bolz Fruit
01:15:51 Sermon Review: You Drive Me Crazy - Handling Toxic People by Bill Cornelius

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Headless Chicken Prophecy

Headless Chicken Prophecy
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith

00:10:45 Colette Toach Practical Prophetic Stuff
00:23:09 Heidi Baker Headless Chicken Prophecy
00:42:37 Tim Moore Adrift
00:56:58 Nicole Crank Double Double 23
01:16:11 Sermon Review: Lou Engle Third Great Awakening

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Trading the Truth for a Mess of Rancid Beans

Trading the Truth for a Mess of Rancid Beans
Chris Rosebrough | Fighting for the Faith


00:06:51 Amanda Wells Dreams a Dream About Dreaming
00:37:45 Katt Kerr Basic Training in the Spirit Realm
00:50:52 Jesse Duplantis Details Regarding His Trip to Heaven
01:16:11 Sermon Review: Arresting Your Thoughts by Scott Thornton Life Church, New Zealand

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