The False Miracles & Doctrine of Azusa Now


00:00:00 The False Miracles & Doctrine of Azusa Now
01:07:00 Sermon Review: The Family of God - from Generation to Generation by Ashley Garza


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You Need to Demonstrate Resurrection!?!


• Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #5 - Todd Bentley

Todd Bentley doesn't want you to know about The Charismatic Day of Infamy

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The Seven Thunders


00:12:08 William Tapley Unseals The Seven Thunders
00:24:11 Dutch Sheets & Chuck Pierce Prophecy Open Mic
0044:45 Chris Vallonton Demonic Resistance to Your Destiny
00:53:19 Patrick Lynch Easter Movement
01:15:52 Worst Easter Sermon Contestant #1 - Jim Powell of Richwoods Christian Church

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Furtick Says God Broke the Law?!?


00:09:28 Colette Toach 7 Ways To Hear God's Voice
00:35:10 Patricia King & Joan Hunter You Can Prophecy
00:41:44 Rick Warren Awful Easter Sermon
00:54:12 Steven Furtick God Broke the Law
01:08:16 Good Easter Sermons by Rev. George Poulos and Rev. Mark Bestul


Rosebrough's Ramblings on Sola Scriptura

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Judah Smith's Tap Dance


00:08:19 Katherine Ruonala your wilderness is a pathway to the supernatural
00:22:57 Mark Driscoll Launches New Church Amid RICO Allegations
00:43:46 Judah Smith Tap Dances Around God Question
00:57:50 Christine Caine Feeds Your Inner Narcissist
01:10:24 Good Easter Sermon by Gervase Charmley

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The Laundry Basket Revelation


00:12:57 Prophet Manasseh Will Raise You From the Grave for $1,000
00:22:19 Terri Savelle Foy The Laundry Basket Revelation
00:42:40 Caesar Kalinowski Missional Language Barrier
00:57:50 Perry Noble Ideation, Innovation & Marination
01:18:05 Two Good Easter Sermons by Jeremy Rhode and Chris Rosebrough

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Amputees Healed in the Spirit Can Walk Without Legs?


00:08:23 Imprecatory Prophecy Open Mic
00:16:46 Patricia King Amputees Healed in the Spirit Can Walk Without Legs
00:38:50 Jennifer LeClaire Discusses Prophecy on TBN Salsa
00:59:09 Bill Winston Possessing Your Mountain
01:10:12 Sermon Review: How Gritty Are You? Lisa Bevere

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Transfer the Anointing


00:06:50 Patricia King God Wants to Bless You
00:19:46 Matt Sorger Transfer the Anointing
00:40:57 Jim Bakker Taking Christianity Seriously
00:40:57 Christine Caine Stepping Into Your Future
01:08:25 Sermon Review: My Church is A Place to Make a Difference by Nelson Searcy

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Is Jesus Really Calling You to Step Out of Your Boat?


00:15:24 William Tapley "Prophetic" Video Pulled From YouTube
00:23:14 David Wagner Bethel Church "Prophecy" 
00:43:41 Kerry Shook Stepping out of the Boat
01:12:25 Sermon Review: Afraid Are You? by Nicole Crank

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You're Selfish If You Don't Go to a Big Church

00:08:13 - Patricia King Baptism of Fire
00:21:49 - Andy Stanley You're Selfish If You Don't Go to a Big Church
00:45:25 - Larry Huch Passover Fleecing
01:11:34 - Sermon Review: Moses: The Path to Freedom Jason Miller

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Ed Young Preaches About Juice

00:11:48 - Amanda Wells Generational Portals
00:24:02 - Ed Young Juice
00:46:15 - Jentezen Franklin Profiles of a Giant Killer
01:14:34 - Sermon Review: Powerful Proclamations Kurt Johnston

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Instead Of


00:09:37 - Fire and Glory Outpouring? I Don't Think So.
00:40:43 - Lou Engle & Patricia King Azusa Now
01:16:26 - Sermon Review: A Prophetic Word by Pat Schatzline

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Bethel Church Promotes Patricia King's Revival "Prophecy"


00:08:25 - Bethel Church Promotes Patricia King's Revival "Prophecy"
00:18:16 - Jesse Duplantis Humble Brags About His Material Wealth
00:48:37 - Robert Morris All Believers Can Pray in Tongues
01:18:26 - Sermon Review: The Party is Here by Georgian Banov

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Here's a TV Report about prosperity "preacher" Jesse Duplantis:

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Perry Noble Twists Scripture to Defend Driscoll


00:10:31  - Vicar Nicky Gumbel Declares 2016 The Year of Jubilee
00:20:43 - Tavner Smith Says It is Illegal for God to Operate in the Earth
00:37:30 - Perry Noble Twist Scripture to Defend Driscoll
00:56:14 - Joel Osteen Gets Grilled by Stephen Colbert
01:14:19 - Sermon Review:  I'm Happy Without Jesus by Alex Farncomb

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If Panthers Win Super Bowl God Will Release Revival?


00:05:28 - Rick Joyner Claims God Told Him If Panthers Win Super Bowl God Will Release Revival
00:19:05 - Interview with Cowboy Bob RE: Question Evolution Day
01:13:55 - Sermon Review: Calling Your Darkness Night by Jack Hanes

Additional Resources:
The Rick Joyner Cornucopia of False Teaching, Bible-Twisting and Overall Wackiness

F4F Question Evolution Day Resources

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Mark Driscoll Restores Himself to Ministry


00:05:48 - Amanda Wells Jubilee Hovering Grace
00:20:26 - Prophecy Open Mic
00:42:11 - Mark Driscoll Restores Himself to Ministry
00:59:23 - Jurgen Matthesius Casting Personal Vision
01:17:56 - Sermon Review:  Following Jesus on the Adventure of a Lifetime: Explore Kyle Idleman

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Make Jesus the Romance of Your Life?


00:10:46 - Georgian Banov Cancels Serious Death
00:21:09 - Sandie Freed Destiny Thieves
00:37:33 - Levi Lusko Jesus Had Thoughts of Suicide
00:57:34 - Beth Moore Make Jesus the Romance of Your Life
01:23:04 - Rosebrough's Ramblings on Christ Alone

Here's the video where Georgian Banov "cancels serious death."

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Brian Houston Admits to Scratching Itching Ears


00:10:29 - Patricia King Deborah Arise
00:20:53 - Connie Williams I Can't Breathe
00:35:55 - Church in a Strip Club
00:51:36 - Brian Houston Admits to Scratching Itching Ears
01:05:1 - Sermon Review:  The Power Of Right Believing by Joseph Prince

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SUPER Prosperity Realm Released


00:08:38 - Jennifer Eivaz Explains the Oil of Gladness
00:15:55 - Joel Osteen Big Ask
00:42:26 - Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons Release Realm of SUPER Prosperity
00:55:47 - Jonathan Cahn Partners With Arch Heretic Ken Copeland
01:16:39 - Sermon Review: Priming You Dream Pump by Nicole Crank

Here's the video of Jonathan Cahn and Kenneth Copeland.

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Ed Young Gimmick-tizes The Christmas Story

00:09:53 - Robert Hotchkin "Word of the Lord" for 2016
00:18:42 - Cindy Jacobs "Word of the Lord" for 2016
00:41:53 - Ed Young Gimmick-tizes The Christmas Story
00:54:55 - Rick Warren Says "Fear Not" is the Message of Christmas
01:14:30 - Sermon Review: Making Room For by Adam Huschka

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