Stretchy Pants - The Sermon?


00:09:55 - Jurgen Matthesius Explains What Prophecy Is
00:37:99 - Kris Valloton Narigetes Christmas Too
00:50:23 - T.D. Jakes Reveals What God Wants for Christmas
01:02:04 - Sermon Review: Stretchy Pants - Wear Your Own Pants by Staci Capaldi

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Millions of Unemployed Angels?


00:08:50 - Kevin Basconi Millions of Unemployed Angels
00:20:49 - Tim Philip Explains Backsliding
00:50:23 - Creflo Dollar Cuts People Off From Prayer
01:15:48 - Sermon Review: The Shepherds - When Life Gets Interrupted by Kerrick Thomas

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The Lion of Judah is On the Move


00:07:40 - Amanda Wells It's a New Season
00:18:08 - Omaha's Tri-Faith Religious Space
00:43:10 - Keith Craft 2015 Word From God
01:00:22 - Steven Furtick Year of Flow
01:15:48 - Two Rosebrough Sermons - The King Who Comes in the Name of the Lord & The Lion of Judah is On the Move

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Navigating a Ziklag


00:07:57 - Ryan LeStrange Navigating a Ziklag
00:22:26 - Patricia King & Barbara Yoder Breaker Anointing
00:44:35 - Ben Prescott 7 Valleys That Destroy Destiny
01:06:10 - Sermon Review: What If You Had Your Lost Keys They Whole Time?  by Caleb Coder

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A Tick On a Boar Hog


00:09:47 - 
Heidi Baker Embraces the Nonsensical
00:40:38  - Kevin Basconi Is a Tick On a Boar Hog
00:50:03  - Barbie Breathitt Difference between Psychic and Spirit
00:56:47 - Patricia King Business Anointing
01:08:09 - Sermon Review: The Multitude by Priscilla Shirer

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Illuminati Attacks William Tapley?


00:14:04 - Katie Souza 
Releasing The 1000 Fold Blessing!
00:21:55 - William Tapley Says Illuminati Tried to Shut Down His YouTube Channel
00:35:36 - Jim Bakker Still Preaching the Blood Moons
00:46:04 - Mark Batterson Says God Commands That We Use Both Sides of Our Brains
00:52:38 - Rick Warren Says Bible Teaches Importance of Timing
01:06:54 - Sermon Review: You're a King Make the Decree by Jennifer Eivaz

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Subdue the 500 Pound Woman?


00:05:34 - Prophecy Open Mic

00:18:28 - Patricia King Teaches The Law of Attraction
00:49:49 - Guillermo Maldonado Teaches on the Holy Spirit (Falsely)
:06:52 - Sermon Review: Blow the Trumpet In Zion by Mike Bickle

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Who's Threatened by Your Coat?


00:09:25 - Opal Covey Wins Mayoral Race...Again?

00:20:15 - James Macpherson Jerusalem First
00:57:00 - Rick Warren How to Deal With Naysayers
01:23:53 - Sermon Review: Who's Threatened by Your Coat? by Tiffany Wescott

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From Deception to Delusion


00:08:13 - Bill Cornelius Narcigetes Story of Joseph
00:42:54 - T.D. Jakes Thinks The Devil is Afraid of You
01:12:11 - Sermon Review: On Earth As It Is In Heaven by Amanda Wells

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The Religious Spirit Hates the Prophetic?


00:09:41 - Ryan LeStrange - How the Religious Spirit Hates the Prophetic
00:37:02 - Patricia King - How Strong is Your Core?
00:47:47 - Touré Roberts - Your Standing on a Well
01:06:14 - Sermon Review: The Power of Our Declaration by Emily Foster

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