Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown
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Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown
Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown's Equivocation, Obfuscation and Manipulation About the New Apostolic Reformation. A "Pirate Gang Conversation" with @Aspree & Steven Kozar
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For further research/articles mentioned on this broadcast:
Modern Restoration of Apostles?
Full Line of Fire radio program about the NAR on YouTube
Michael Brown's Spin Control for Bill Johnson-Interview with Phil Johnson
Is Michael Brown Hiding His New Apostolic Identity? from Pulpit & Pen
The Dr. Michael Brown Checklist of Manipulation
Ignorance Is Not An Option from Grace to You
Why Dr. Michael Brown Has No Credibility by 828 Ministries
Dealing with Dr. Brown's Lies (Part 1) from ChurchWatch Central
The New Apostolic Reformation Cornucopia of False Doctrine
The Bill Johnson Cornucopia of False Teaching
Is Fire School of Ministry a Cult?
Steve Hill's Bible Twisting at Brownsville "Revival"
More False Doctrine at Brownsville "Revival"
Sermon Review: The Mystery and Power of a Blessing by John Kilpatrick from the Brownsville Revival
Sermon Review: Burning Hearts to Change the World by Dr. Michael Brown
Amy writes for the Berean Examiner and the blog Berean Research
Steven Kozar writes for the Messed Up Church and is the "Master Curator" of The Museum of Idolatry
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