Blazing Saddles Bible Study (redux)
This was originally posted on July 18, 2007 on the original Museum of Idolatry website. I am reposting this here so that a new generation can benefit from it.
In honor of Rick Warren's latest column entitled, Learn to Laugh where he claims that Psalm 2:4 teaches us that God has a sense of humor and that we can be more like God if we develop a sense of humor... we've created the Blazing Saddles Bible Study.
Consider this to be our small contribution to the world of Purpose-Driven / Seeker Sensitive small group study material.
(Please note that since Rick Warren likes to take liberties with how he interprets and applies the Bible, we thought that it would only be appropriate for us to do the same.)
Bible Study Material
Step One
Have Small Group Participants read Rick Warren's article entitled "Learn to Laugh". , Read Here
Read this excerpt from Pastor Rick's article aloud:
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalm 2:4, “The One enthroned in heaven laughs.” Isn’t that a great verse? God has a sense of humor. God laughs! ... Do you want to be more like God? Learn to laugh. A sense of humor can preserve your sanity.
Ask each member of the group what Psalm 2:4 means to them.
Note: Read the passage for them. Do not allow them to read the passage for themselves in their own Bibles otherwise they may get confused by the negative language in the surrounding verses. Only focus on the words "The One enthroned in heaven laughs".
*Be sure to re-enforce and affirm any participant who feels like this verse is telling them to loosen up and not take life so seriously.
Step 2
Have Small Group Participants watch the "Campfire/Bean Scene" then discuss the questions below:
1. The Bible says to "make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob" - Psalm 81:1 (KJV). Did you feel joy while laughing at this scene? Do you feel that Psalm 81:1 could be referring to the noises that you heard in the video clip, why or why not?
Note: If any participants are uncomfortable laughing at this type of humor then remind them that Psalm 2:4 teaches us that God has a sense of humor and their resistance to humor may be a sign that they are resisting the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
2. Since God made sex, doesn't it also logically follow that He made flatulence?
3. Can you think of any other ways that you can make 'joyful noises' to the Lord with your body?
Note: Have each member of the group demonstrate a 'joyful noise' with their body. Make sure that everyone enjoys a good belly laugh with each demonstration of a 'joyful noise'.
Reiterate the fact that God has a sense of humor and that by participating in this Bible study each person has learned to be more like God.