Proof That Dr. Michael Brown Has a Gullible Audience
/- Brown claims that he is not a part of the New Apostolic Reformation, but the clear, obvious and overwhelming evidence says otherwise. (Read: Michael Brown: More Proof He's Part of the (So-Called) New Apostolic Reformation) He is The Apostle of Obfuscation in the NAR. Listen to this clip of Fighting for the Faith where Brown pretends he knows nothing about the NAR in 2017 but is very knowledgeable in 2010:
- Brown always tells people that he has no time to research any of the false teachers he associates with, but he claims to be a great scholar/expert who can be trusted because of all the important research he does and all the knowledge he has.
- Brown claims that he has no time to research Benny Hinn, but he wrote an entire book that refuted "Strange Fire" by John MacArthur, which has tons of documentation of Benny Hinn's false teaching. Did Brown not even read the book that he tried to refute? How can anyone actually fall for this?
- Brown claims that "he'll look into it" whenever a caller gets through to him and provides information about the false teachers he associates with, but then he never does anything. Ever.
- Brown claims that he follows the vital Reformation principle of Sola Scriptura (Latin for "Only the Bible" or "Scripture Alone"), yet he constantly points to the need for new prophetic words. If we need new words from God doesn't that mean that the Bible Alone isn't good enough?
- Brown claims that he is following the practice of Sola Scripture when he allows, supports and encourages ridiculous "words from the Lord" from people like Jennifer LeClaire, Bill Johnson, etc. Brown claims that these "words from the Lord" are actually from God, but they're not "the word of God." Huh? Is there really a new category called "sort of" God's Word??
- Brown teaches that when a "prophet" gets a "word from Lord" that is totally wrong, it doesn't mean they're a false prophet, it means "they're a prophet who prophesied falsely."
- When confronted with the fact that he supports false teachers he never compares the teachings of those people to scripture, instead he attacks the person supplying him with information, or he quickly changes the subject to cessationism.
- Brown eventually ends up saying something like "You're wrong about these people I associate with. I know them and they love the Lord. They aren't false teachers because I say so." What he's really saying is that everyone should simply trust him and not look to God's Word as our final authority.
- Brown deletes comments from people who provide specific evidence of false teachers like Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson and Jennifer LeClaire, but then he says that these "heresy hunters" provide no evidence! As long as Dr. Brown's fans stay within his tightly controlled fantasy world they can continue believing that false teachers like Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson and Jennifer LeClaire are not a problem. This is delusional thinking being perpetuated by a dominating and controlling leader.
- Brown spends a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter telling people over and over and over that he has no time to look into the false teachings of people like Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, Jennifer LeClaire, etc... But he obviously does have time! He uses all of that time telling people that he has no time! A person has to be very gullible to fall for that silly argument.
- Brown often makes the claim that the bloggers who criticize him are anonymous people with no accountability, so they can be ignored. People like me, Steven Kozar. Or @Aspree. Or Phil Johnson. Or Anthony Wade. Or Chris Rosebrough. Or Marsha West. Or Chris Rice... you know, "anonymous."
- Brown tells people that he has no time to answer questions in detail (because he's so important and so busy), so he recommends that people call his radio show, but once a person gets on his show with tough questions he interrupts and dominates the conversation. Anyone who thinks he has fair and open dialogue with his guests is truly gullible. Just take out a stopwatch and compare much time Brown talks (and interrupts) compared to how much time a guest can speak (before getting cut off).
- Here's audio of Dr. Michael Brown talking over Chris Rosebrough like the bully that he often is: Chris from Grand Forks calls Michael Brown about the Sneaky Squid Spirit
- Here's an article (with audio) about Dr. Brown cutting off Anthony Wade, a guest that was invited on the Line of Fire only to be bullied by Dr. Brown: Dr Brown’s lack of discernment exposed by a discerning former AOG Pastor.
- Brown makes it look like he's fair and equitable on his Facebook page, but he deletes comments that make him look bad. We have a lot of screenshots that prove this:
These comments were deleted by Dr. Brown, and then the entire post was deleted
These challenging comments were deleted by Dr. Brown.
These challenging comments were deleted by Dr. Michael Brown, then the entire post was deleted
After Dr. Brown deletes comments he says he had to delete them because they were so libelous, angry or somehow out-of-line. Nobody will know what these people actually said because he deleted them!
Dr. Brown Made This Comment But Then Later Deleted the entire Post.
After deleting an entire post full of challenging comments (some of which are shown above), Dr. Brown wrote this new post where he attacked "self-appointed heresy hunters" and then blocked more comments:
Here you can see that Dr. Brown blocked me after my initially comments
Dr. Brown adamantly supports some very dangerous false teachers. Here's a VERY disturbing video of Dr. Brown's close friends that he refuses to watch or acknowledge:
Dr. Michael Brown is buddies with Sid Roth, who has the credibility of Shaggy from Scooby Doo:
Dr. Michael Brown does NOT want you to look at this: Dr. Michael Brown Ruins His Credibility on His Own Facebook Wall, Then Deletes All the Evidence
For a more detailed analysis of Michael Brown (and his recent radio show about the New Apostolic Reformation), check out this discussion between Chris Rosebrough, @Aspree and Steven Kozar on Fighting For The Faith: Mutiny Against Dr. Michael Brown
The Dr. Michael Brown Checklist of Manipulation
Here's an article from Assemblies of God Minister Anthony Wade: Why Dr. Brown Has No Credibility
...and here's another: Gatekeeper of False Teachings-- Dr. Michael Brown
For those who think it's mean, judgmental and un-loving to criticize Dr. Michael Brown (or any other teacher, pastor or leader) here's something just for you: Shocking Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know.
If you're having a knee-jerk reaction to try and defend Dr. Michael Brown, check out: Confirmation Bias: Why You Are Protecting Your False Beliefs.
Finally, here's an article that will help you be more discerning and a lot less gullible: Defusing Demonic Dirty Bombs.