Leaving the NAR Church: Glenn's story

Leaving the NAR Church: Glenn's story

"I saw what I was doing as a band member as not leading people in worship, but participating in 'conjuring' the Holy Spirit to 'come down'.  The Holy Spirit being defined as the euphoric feeling that the droning music creates."

As you'll learn from Glenn, oftentimes NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) teachings filter into churches by way of worship music.  While contemporary styles can glorify Christ, there are certain methods musicians like Glenn are taught to use repeating phrases, musical tones, and ethereal lyrics designed to seductively manipulate your mind into a mystical consciousnesses.

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Leaving the NAR Church: Malcolm's story

Leaving the NAR Church: Malcolm's story

"Anyone could interrupt the sermon, grab a microphone, and give a word from the Lord. This became more common, and the pastors loved it! "

Malcolm was born and raised in a church dabbling in mystical SOZO Healing Prayers,  Soaking Prayers, Fire Tunnels and more.

He has allowed me to include his story in this series about a movement called the New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR for short. It is at its core an anti-biblical counterfeit that sounds almost like biblical Christianity.

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Leaving the NAR Church: Dylan's story

Leaving the NAR Church: Dylan's story

"I had the most painful conversation with my wife that night that I've ever had when she got home, and I knew that we had to move out of town and leave Pentecostalism..."

Oftentimes I've found that psychological abuse goes hand-in-hand with the hierarchy model of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The emotional and spiritual abuse from Dylan's Australian church (not to mention the false teaching), was so intense that he packed his wife and five children up and moved away.  Australia is rife with New Apostolic Reformation and its mystical teachings.  

Dylan gives us an inside glimpse at the heartache of his small-town church. Make that former church.

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Leaving the NAR Church: Joshua's story

Leaving the NAR Church: Joshua's story

"We would have classes on how to interpret dreams. Many of the people in the church would claim to see angels quite often."

Joshua served on a worship team in Dallas, where he saw first hand the devastating impact of "NAR" teachings on his faith and the faith of his friends.

He has allowed me to share his story in a series about a fast-growing movement called the New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR for short. It is at its core an anti-biblical counterfeit that sounds almost like biblical Christianity.

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The Six Hallmarks of a NAR Church

The Six Hallmarks of a NAR Church

Is your church shifting into becoming NAR apostate? It could be, and your leaders might not even be aware.

The New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR, is a counterfeit, unbiblical movement that has been gaining worldwide momentum. There are 6 distinct traits that characterize NAR’s core teachings, even if leaders or churches deny they have anything to do with the NAR brand.

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