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Trump is Infallible? Don't Second Guess President Trump says Steve Strang CEO of Charisma Magazine

"Don't second guess President Donald Trump," said Steve Strang founder and CEO of Charisma Media\Magazine. While appearing on The Jim Bakker Show on June 6, 2017 and commenting on President Trump he said people need to have a spiritual perspective regarding President Trump, he then followed that by telling his listeners not to second guess President Trump. You can listen to the clip below, followed by the full statement from Strang.

Let that sink in. The CEO and founder of a major charismatic media outlet just told us that the spiritual thing to do is not to "second guess President Trump." He's practically declaring President Trump infallible.

Apparently President Trump can do anything and we can't have a discerning or critical eye on him; this is what happens when Christians try to turn political leaders into spiritual leaders by relying on extra-Biblical "prophetic" pronouncements about the constantly shifting seats of earthly power. Almighty God has not given us His opinion about Donald Trump, but hyper-charismatics like Steve Strang believe they speak authoritatively on God's behalf. 

It's alarming for someone with such a major influence to call on people to blindly follow a leader with so much power. Such an ignorant call gives the appearance that Christians must willingly consent even if a leader is evil. 

Steve Strang has made an idol of a man, and brought reproach on the cause of Christ by calling Christians to follow President Trump blindly.